Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Enough is enough

How many are broken, how many are hurt,
How many are wishing to be buried in dirt. 
How many are tired and fed up with the game,
of striving and "winning" yet feeling the same?

The popular status, the body and toys,
may seem like success but are really just ploys
avoiding the emptiness under it all
that resides in us humans because of the fall.

So instead of avoiding and hiding in shame
lets get real in love for thats why Christ came.
To destroy works of Satan and expose all his lies
So we may live free and not fear our demise.

Brothers and sisters Christ's calling your bluff
your not "ok" and enough is enough...

---Will Brooksbank---

Hello my name is Will Brooksbank and I've been struggling with anxiety, depression, self-defeating negative thoughts, and an eating disorder since I was 11 years old. Eight years and countless treatment centers, therapy sessions, hospitalizations, and "self-help" seminars later I've decided that enough is enough in my life. Im done feeling inadequate, inferior, unworthy, and incapable of having Gods love. Christ died so that we can have a relationship with him, experience his love, and have eternal life. Im right in thinking that i don't deserve it, but thats the reason why the gospel is called the "Good News". WE ALL FALL SHORT, (Romans 3:23) but yet CHRIST DIED FOR US ANYWAY!! (Romans 5:8-10) We are saved by grace through faith, theres nothing we can do to add to or take away from Gods ultimate sacrifice/love for us.(Romans 3:24; 3:28; 11:16; Ephesians 2:4-7)

So how about we just start with that,
my vision for this blog/forum thingy (idk what the heck im doing honestly this is all new to me)
is that everyone can just be real
get brutally honest, ask the hard questions, reveal the deep pains and hurts
and allow Gods love to flow through to bring healing and freedom.

"For the law of the Spirit of life [fn]in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death."
Romans 8:2

Lets live out the freedom we have in Christ, share our successes and support each other in our struggles.


  1. I commend you for starting this blog/forum. It is hard for us to truly admit defeat without the Lord in our lives. We miss you at All Saints, but you are ever in our prayers.

  2. How wonderful it feels to know that we are loved no matter what.... no condemnation, no remembering of old mistakes...just a loving Saviour who reaches out at all times....and smiles at each and everyone of us.
    Will, you are chosen and loved.....

  3. Thanx :)
    I am trying to live out my calling and not be ashamed of the struggles God has allowed to happen.
    He obviously wants me to learn, grow, and help others from my experiences.
    I hope this blog can grow into a ministry that does exactly that.
