Saturday, September 17, 2011

Now what?

So ya, I can see how my life's choices/behaviors haven't been to productive/satisfying/fulfilling internally but what do I do about it? I mean I've invited Jesus into my heart and life and I truly do want to live for him, but I still struggle. I'm still anxious, I still have doubts, I still have negative/condemning thoughts that leave me feeling so defeated and shameful. If I just "believed" enough I would be healed.....right?

Well i honestly dont know the answer but I would like to think that since Jesus knows my heart he knows that i truly do desire to know/live/believe in/trust and truly rely on him.

Im living now as if, (even though I dont feel it), God could love me and that even though im confused, scared, doubtful, anxious, insecure, and sad at times it doesnt mean im not saved. He still loves me and his  promises apply even if i dont feel it.

Anyone else feel this way ?

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